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minimal resistance中文是什么意思

用"minimal resistance"造句"minimal resistance"怎么读"minimal resistance" in a sentence


  • 最小抵抗力


  • To a swimmer , " feel " lets you know when you ' ve properly caught the water with your palm and pulled your body forward with minimal resistance
    到一个游泳者, “感觉”让你知道你什么时候适当与你的手掌抓住了水并且向前与最小的抵抗拉了你的身体。
  • The controlling parameters for smooth blasting in qin - ling zhongnanshan tunnel project are optimized according to the fundamental principle of smooth blasting , considering the minimal resistance , coefficient of embrasure density , coefficient of non - coupling , density of dynamite and rate of exploding . the efficiency of this method has been analyzed and justified by the high speed and good quality of the project
用"minimal resistance"造句  
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